Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Carry on...

Tomorrow I go back to work and I love my job, I really do, but I am not ready for the summer to be over. The school year never starts off slowly, but instead, it seems to have been going on while I was on vacation, meaning I am always behind, trying to catch up. I decided to adopt a Project Runway mantra and "carry on". I only have control over a small part of my world, so rather than stressing, I'm going to let go...Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

good luck, pal! you'll be getting a package from kpixie.com very soon. I hope you enjoy it!

your secret pal

starrypurplehaze said...

Project Runnnnwaaaaay. I'm so addicted. This won't be good, once classes start, which is today!