Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thanks, SP

I don't think I mentioned anywhere that I LOVE purses, but my secret pal must have known since she sent me this pattern, along with this one, plus the yarn. I can't wait to start knitting! You've been a great pal!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Carry on...

Tomorrow I go back to work and I love my job, I really do, but I am not ready for the summer to be over. The school year never starts off slowly, but instead, it seems to have been going on while I was on vacation, meaning I am always behind, trying to catch up. I decided to adopt a Project Runway mantra and "carry on". I only have control over a small part of my world, so rather than stressing, I'm going to let go...Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm back!

It was so nice to see my parents again, even though flying without liquids, like lip gloss, water, and eye drops was a little uncomfortable. Who knew Arizona got so much rain? Despite it all, we got to do almost everything we planned on, including a trip to this beautiful. Today was back to work, at least in the morning, then spent the evening sitting on the couch. An all day meeting tomorrow and then the last weekend before officially back to work. I can't complain...the summer was amazing. I highly recommend not working :)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm off again

I'm off to Arizona tomorrow (or today, since it's after midnight) to visit my parents with S. All my liquids will be packed but hopefully I can still carry on my knitting needles.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Love my TiVo!!

I spent last night programming season passes on my new TiVo, a birthday present from Em. and her boyfriend. I am all set for CSI, Project Runway, and The Girls Next Door. If you're going to watch TV, you may as well watch stuff you like. I have hardly gotten any knitting done this week. I am attending a conference in Half Moon Bay and figured it would not be appropriate to knit during the sessions. By the time I get home after going to the gym, I'm too tired to do much of anything. Hopefully, I will be able to finish the MagKnits ballet top this weekend when S. and I go to Arizona to visit my mom and dad.

Friday, August 04, 2006

If I was a horse,

I think I'd be shot. I woke up this morning with incredible neck pain. I thought my new big girl bed was supposed to be good for my back and neck. Fortunately, E.'s chiropractor was able to get me in and it helped a little. Then my left eye/contact lens was bothering me, so to prove to the eye doctor that there really was something wrong, I left my contact in, thereby worsening the infection. Now the neck pain in radiating up my head and down to my shoulder and my eye won't stop tearing. Is it too early to go to bed and try again tomorrow?